Do you need a hair follicle test for drugs, alcohol or steroids?
Hair testing for drugs, alcohol or steroids is a specialised type of testing that identifies substance use over a longer period of time than other sample types like blood, urine or saliva. Hair drug testing can be required for court proceedings, for child access, for personal reasons and for pre-employment or return to work testing under certain circumstances.
Trained BMFHQ collectors facilitate hair testing in accordance with the requesting authority’s requirements and the hair test is carried out at a NATA accredited laboratory in Australia.
About hair drug testing
Hair drug testing provides evidence drug or alcohol use over a longer period of time than other sample types. such as urine, blood or saliva. The window of detection for drugs in hair ranges from weeks to months, depending on the length of hair. Each 1 cm of hair growth from the scalp is equal to approximately a 1 month window of detection.
The most common request for hair drug testing is a 3cm sample of hair, or 3 month history. A longer history up to 6 months is possible, if the hair sample is long enough.
An interesting point to note is that hair drug testing is often referred to as hair follicle testing. In fact, the hair follicle is not used for the test and hair is not removed by the root. To collect a sample of hair for a hair drug test or hair alcohol test, the hair is cut close to the scalp. If the head hair is too short, body hair can be used.
For court directed or workplace related hair drug tests, collection of the hair sample cannot be carried out by the individual. The identity of the donor must be independently verified and appropriate chain of custody processes must be adhered to. This ensures the integrity of the hair sample and the integrity of the results.

Where to get a hair drug test
If you need a hair drug or alcohol test, BMFHQ can help.
BMFHQ facilitate hair testing at our headquarters in Moorabbin, Victoria. Our collectors can also attend an off-site location, by arrangement.
The hair collection is completed in accordance with the requesting authority’s requirements. We arrange secure, same day transport NATA (National Association of Testing Authorities) accreditation for hair testing.
A documented report of results is available in approximately 1 week. An expert witness statement can also be ordered from the laboratory at additional cost, if required.
By appointment only.
We will advise you what you must bring, before the appointment date.