Do you love festivals? Do you love working with a team?
Want guaranteed access to music festivals Australia-wide?
BMFHQ's Festival Team Leader Course could be for you!
Bookings for upcoming course dates are available now, and for a limited time the course is completely free.
The BMFHQ Festival Team Leader Course
Training courses are run on demand.

This hands on training course will skill you up to:
Lead teams on the ground at music festivals
Manage small groups of volunteers and empower them to make a difference on the front line.
Learn how to read results and help drivers make responsible decisions.
Become a leader and get paid for it!
By completing this course you will be officially certified to become part of BMFHQ festival leaders team.

Amazing Benefits
Get access to sold-out music festivals Australia-wide.
Get first access to a place on the team before volunteer applications open.
Get paid to work at your chosen festivals. Pay rate is $25 per hour with a minimum of 8 hours and a maximum of 25 hours at any one event.
Get access to discounted saliva drug tests, breathalysers and purity kits.
Get access to Motel accommodation. Choose to stay off-site at your nominated paid events with the management team and get access to a clean bed, hot showers, clean toilet and get a good nights sleep.
Gain exposure and access to the events industry in ways that no University degree or Diploma can give you.
You will meet key playmakers, site managers and some of the biggest promoters in the industry.
Future Potential
If all goes well, FULL TIME positions do open up for those that want to make a career out of it.
Course Details
Location: Moorabbin, Victoria or via Zoom.
Duration: 5 hours including breaks
Cost: Free